Laser Light Switch Could Replace Transistors
An optical transistor that uses one laser beam to control another could form the heart of a future generation of ultrafast light-based computers
Eco-Smart City Vehicle
Designer Adam has created the Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, a car Hosting all eco factors such as solar technology on the surface of the roof, regenerative braking, electric motor and capabilities of harnessing wind power as well, this concept car is meant only for city commute.
MDI Air-Powered Car Release Date
The MDI AIRpod runs on air instead of gasoline produces zero pollution - it hits the streets later this year
Laser Light Switch Could Replace Transistors
An optical transistor that uses one laser beam to control another could form the heart of a future generation of ultrafast light-based computers.
Eco-Smart City Vehicle
Designer Adam has created the Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, a car Hosting all eco factors such as solar technology on the surface of the roof, regenerative braking, electric motor and capabilities of harnessing wind power as well, this concept car is meant only for city commute.